Seeking Hapa Actor for "Kung Fu" Remake

Legendary Pictures (Superman Returns, 300) is enlisting the help of the Academy for Creative Media in seeking a lead actor for its remake of Kung Fu, the popular 70s TV series starring David Carradine. As part of its Master Class series, the ACM will be holding an open call for the lead role of CAINE:
Date: Fri, 11/30
Time: 4-7pm
Place: UH Manoa, 2550 Campus Road, Crawford 115
Seeking: Hapa male, 20-30, martial arts experience preferred but not required
For more details, please go to:
>> ACM to Hold Open Call for Lead Actor For Adaptation of Kung Fu
>> Kung Fu Open Call (Note: this site has details on open calls being held in L.A., Vancouver, Singapore, and Hong Kong, as well)