Patsy Mink Documentary Seeks Your Help

Punahou and Harvard grad and Cannes Film Fest participant Kimberlee Bassford is seeking your help on her PBS documentary about U.S. Representative Patsy Mink. The film is in post right now, but she's still looking for photos and documents that would help illustrate Mink's childhood in Hamakuapoko, Maui. If you have any materials that depict early 20th century plantation life or anything specifically pertaining to Mink’s early life, contact Seabury Hall librarian Linda Lindsay at 264-3913 or visit
All materials will be scanned and returned.
>> Contributions to Mink documentary sought [The Maui News, 8/13/07]
A Pictorial History of Hawaii
All materials will be scanned and returned.
>> Contributions to Mink documentary sought [The Maui News, 8/13/07]
A Pictorial History of Hawaii