Hawaii Film Blog

Friday, June 29, 2007

Wanted: Film Proposals By & About Pacific Islanders

Pacific Islanders in Communications
(PIC) just announced the opening of its 15th annual Media Fund Open Call for proposals. Pacific Islander filmmakers are especially encouraged to submit proposals for public television projects at any stage of development.

More than $200,000 in funding will be awarded to projects that tell authentic, well-told stories about the Pacific and what it means to be a Pacific Islander. Several awards of up to $15,000 will go to projects in the R&D stage, while larger awards of up to $50,000 to those in the production and completion stages.

A review panel will look for proposals with a compelling story, concept or treatment; great storytelling; a good hook; an experienced production team; a reasonable, factual budget; and a solid sample video. The projects must be about the Pacific and the Pacific Islander experience.

Pacific Islanders and non-Pacific Islanders alike are eligible to apply. Applicants must be 18 and older and U.S. citizens or legal residents.

All applications must be received no later than Fri, July 13, 2007 @ 5:30pm.

>> Click here for more information, and to download an application.

Hawaii Films at HIFF 2006
Hawaii on YouTube
Indigenous Pacific Storytelling
Hawaii Looks to New Zealand
Listen and Learn
How Da Haoles Wen Stole Hawaii: The Film(s)
A Pictorial History of Hawaii

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