18th Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival

The Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival has announced its slate for the upcoming 18th annual edition. The fest will take place from May 24 to May 27 at the Doris Duke Theatre at the Honolulu Academy of Arts and the Cupola Events Theatre at the new Honolulu Design Center. Highlights include:
- Opening film "No Regret" by Leesong Hee-il, the first openly gay South Korean filmmaker to write and direct a gay themed film
- Scottish humor meets Bollywood spectacle in the British comedy "Nina's Heavenly Delights"
- World premiere of Andrea Meyerson’s documentary/concert film "Kate Clinton’s 25th Anniversary Tour" as well as her film "Laughing Matters…The Men"
- Gala Benefit & Silent Auction Event with keynote speaker Kim Coco Iwamoto, a Hawaii Board of Education member and the highest elected transgendered office holder in the U.S.
- World premiere of "Out Running," a documentary exemplifying the rising presence of openly LGBT people in public office
- "Alexis Arquette: She's My Brother," a documentary about the process of sexual reassignment for Alexis Arquette, the once brother, now sister of actors Rosanna, Patricia, & David Arquette. Alexis Arquette is scheduled to appear at the event.
- "Saint of 9/11," about Father Mychal Judge, a Franciscan friar and chaplain of the Fire Dept. of New York, whose journey as a gay man, an alcoholic and a priest became a symbol of courage and sacrifice during the 9/11 tragedy
For more info, including showtimes and ticket prices, go to hglcf.org.