Hawaii Film Blog

Friday, March 23, 2007

"Lost" 4 Gets Greenlit

We still have jobs!

Those trucks and trailers and honeywagons around town will be sticking around for another season of "Lost." So will the cast/crew jobs! Guess those paranoid naysaying TV "journalists" harping on declining "Lost" ratings were, well, paranoid. Or, more likely, had nothing better to write about. Much like me in this post.

>> 'Lost' gets green light for Season 4 [Hnl Advertiser, 3/23/07]
>> Moving 'Lost' away from 'Idol' helped [Hnl Star-Bulletin, 3/22/07]

ABC Exec: "Lost" is Not Lost!
>> "Lost" Ratings Drop, Press Freaks Out
>> "Lost" Series Finale Will Suck
>> "Lost" is Fab, But Will It Last?

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