Hawaii Film Blog

Monday, October 09, 2006

UH Unveils New Render Farm

Last Friday, the University of Hawaii's Academy for Creative Media (ACM) officially unveiled its new render farm housed at Leeward Community College. Composed of equipment previously used by Square USA and Qube! software created by PipelineFX, the new render farm will make it much faster to process animation and digital effects.

ACM head Chris Lee said, "Since many programs in the state, including Leeward Community College, ACM and Wai'anae High School, will be sharing this resource, we expect the system to have a major impact on Hawai'i's digital media education system and the length and quality of work that students are able to produce."

Lee initially raised $200K from PipelineFX, the Ko 'Olina Foundation, the James and Abigail Campbell Foundation, and producer-director Roland Emmerich for the project. On Friday, it was announced that the Kellogg Foundation will contribute an additional $145,600, which will be used to further increase rendering capacity.

Qube! is a leading render farm management software for creating animation, computer graphics, and game design and architecture programs. It has been installed at NYC's School of Visual Arts, NYU's Digital Arts program, Electronic Arts, and LucasArts.

>> ACM Announces Completion of Animation Renderfarm [ACM News Release, 10/2/06]
>> Lights! Cameras! Animation! [Hnl Star-Bulletin, 10/8/06]
Computer System Gives Students Film Animation Abilities [KITV4, 10/6/06]

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