"Path to 9/11" Director Defends Docudrama

In a Honolulu Advertiser article Saturday, Kona-raised David L. Cunningham defended "The Path to 9/11," the controversial ABC docudrama he directed: "What is important to understand is that the filmmakers who worked on this represent a wide range of political perspectives. We were in no way trying to put a slant on either the Clinton or Bush administrations. There was no agenda other than to show the facts and try to learn from what happened and did not happen, so we can be safer as a nation."
Also according to the article, the docudrama cost $40 million, took a year and a half to make, and was shot with 4 handheld cameras in the U.S., Canada, and Morocco. Its account of events leading up to the 9/11 attack first generated partisan bickering on conservative and liberal blogs before attracting the attention of the mainstream media.
>> Kona filmmaker defends 'Path to 9/11' [Hnl Advertiser, 9/9/06]
UPDATE, 9/12: Boy, this miniseries continues to generate some heated controversy! I can't comment myself (nor do I want to) because I skipped watching it (why re-live it?), but see for yourself what's goin' on:
>> ABC 9/11 Docudrama's Right-Wing Roots [The Nation, 9/11/06]
>> The Fictional Path to 9/11 [NY Times, 9/12/06]
>> Lessons Learned From ABC's `9/11' Folly [Washington Post, 9/12/06]
>> BBC did not know of 9/11 film's link to religious right [The Guardian (UK), 9/13/06]
>> David L. Cunningham's "The Path to 9/11"
>> Emme's 9/11 Special Tonight