Free Native Film Showcase on Mon, 9/25

Oscar-nominated "Two Cars, One Night" (Photo: Defender Films)
There will be a FREE native film showcase and panel discussion on Monday, 9/25, as part of the 5th Annual Native Hawaiian Convention. Featuring a diverse selection of short films by talented Native Hawaiian, Maori, and Seminole Indian filmmakers, the showcase covers subjects pertinent to native peoples such as self-identity, health, music, and dance.
DATE: Monday, 9/15
PLACE: Hawaii Convention Center, Lili'u Theatre, Room 310
4:30-5:30pm Film Showcase
5:30-6:30pm Panel Discussion
Film Showcase: "Native Visions, Native Voices"
* "He Hawaii Mau" directed by Lurline Wailana McGregor
* "HIV in Hawaii: Local People, Local Stories" directed by Na’alehu Anthony & Leah Kihara
* "Kamaka Ukulele" directed by Dawn Kanaiaupio
* A short film directed by Nanakuli High School student Naturalee Puouou
* A short film directed by UH Academy for Creative Media student Brian Makanoa
* "Two Cars, One Night" directed by Taika Waititi (Oscar-nominated short)
* "Goodnight Irene" directed by Sterlin Harjo
Panel Discussion: "Technology: Empowering the Native Voice"
Native filmmakers Merata Mita (Maori), Na'alehu Anthony (Hawaiian), Brian Makanoa (Hawaiian), and Naturalee Puou (Hawaiian) will speak on a panel moderated by Hawaii State Film Commissioner Donne Dawson (Hawaiian). Panelists will discuss whether technology has enabled or hindered the efforts of native filmmakers to share their stories and visions.
>> Indigenous Pacific Storytelling
>> Hawaii Looks to New Zealand
>> Hawaii Film Panorama at LVHIFF
>> Local Filmmakers Left in the Dust
>> Hawaii vs. Hawaiian
>> Listen and Learn
>> Respecting Host Cultures While Filming
>> How Da Haoles Wen Stole Hawaii: The Film(s)
>> Office of Hawaiian Affairs Ups Media Spending