Emme's 9/11 Special Tonight

Wow, it's unbelievable that it's been half a decade since I overslept in my Brooklyn apartment and woke up to the Today Show coverage of a "small plane" losing its way and flying into the WTC. My instincts told me to wait it out a little before hopping on the train to go to work in Manhattan. The slow, creeping crescendo of my anxiety as more and more smoke billowed out of the tower is still palpable to me.
Of course, every American has a 9/11 story (or looks for one) no matter how direct their experience was. As far as Hawaii is from NYC, even those here have 9/11 connections. Tonight at 9pm on KHON2, local TV personality Emme Tomimbang will air her special "9-11 Remembered: Five Years Past," which includes re-edited footage from her original 9/11 special from 2002 that featured stories of several Hawaii residents who died on 9/11: Heather Ho, Rich Y.C. Lee, Maile Hale, Christine Snyder, Georgine Corrigan, and Patricia Pitchford Colodner.
>> Emme's Island Moments Presents "9-11 Remembered: Five Years Past"
>> David L. Cunningham's "The Path to 9/11"