Hawaii Film Blog

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Take PBN's Poll on Hawaii Tax Incentives for Film

Yesterday, Pacific Business News paraphrased my blog post from Monday to "report" that Hawaii was recently ranked by P3 Magazine as the #5 U.S. production location outside of CA. In doing so, PBN introduced an error by saying that "Louisiana was the top-ranked state, taking in about $550 million, the magazine reported." Actually, P3 Magazine did not report that $550M figure; it was, in fact, another article--in The Shreveport Times--to which I linked, that reported the figure. On top of that, PBN did not, as I and The Shreveport Times did, qualify that $550M as total production value rather than in-state expenditures. As I said in my Monday post, based on the Shreveport Times article, only about a third of this $550M, or $183M (my own calculation), was actually spent in Louisiana. Well, at least PBN created an online poll to accompany the article. Here it is:

POLL: Should Hawaii give tax breaks for film and TV production?

>> Hawaii in Top 10 for film, TV work [PBN, 8/9/06]

Hawaii Ranks #5 in Top 10 Places to Shoot in the US
Two Articles About Act 88 Today
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