Honolulu is 4th Priciest Place in the U.S.

Downtown Honolulu (Photo: About.com)
Honolulu recently ranked #4 on Forbes' list of "The Most Overpriced Places in the U.S.," after Essex County, MA; San Francisco; and San Jose. To do this ranking, Forbes looked at cost of living, job growth, housing affordability, salary, and median home price (which, by the way, in Honolulu, was $625,000 in Q1 2006, up 18% vs. the same period last year). Ouch!
Good thing we got that new 15-20% film tax credit, huh?
Rounding out the top ten priciest places are: Cambridge, MA; New York City (although Manhattan by itself is the most expensive place in the country); Tucson; Oakland, CA; Boston, and Los Angeles. By the way, except for the California cities, the places above also have film tax credits.
>> The Most Overpriced Places in the U.S. [Forbes, July 2006]
>> Hawaii Newbies, Read This
>> The Transplantification of Hawaii
>> Honolulu: Hipster Haven
>> Notorious H.N.L.
>> More Details on 15-20% Film Credit from Tax Dept.
>> Has This Blog "Lost" Its Way?