Hawaii Film Blog

Thursday, July 20, 2006

HIFF Trailer Shoot

Two weekends ago, the Hawaii International Film Festival (HIFF) shot its annual promotional trailer on Waikiki Beach. This trailer will be shown at the start of every HIFF screening in October. LOST executive producer and director Jack Bender had come up with the concept, and served as the project's director. Mike Tsai wrote an article in yesterday's Honolulu Advertiser about the shoot, and he highlights many stellar local cast and crew members. The HIFF-trailer-as-short-film paradigm began last year with James Sereno's multiethnic mini-drama that actually caught the eye of Roger Ebert, who invited James to bring it to his Overlooked Film Festival.

>> All for a whiff of HIFF [Hnl Advertiser, 7/19/06]

LVHIFF 2005: A Retrospective
Hawaii Film Panorama at LVHIFF
Hawaii Films in Development

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