Hawaii Film Blog

Thursday, June 29, 2006

TV Special on 100 Years of Filipinos in Hawaii

Last night, local station KHON2 aired the first part of Emme Tomimbang's "Mabuhay with Aloha — The Hawaii Filipino Experience 1906-2006," a TV special commemorating the 100th anniversary of Filipinos in Hawaii (which is also, incidentally, the 100th anniversary of Filipinos in the U.S.). Part I included coverage of the 1924 Hanapepe Massacre, during which 16 Filipino sugar plantation workers on Kauai were shot dead by police at the end of a long strike. You can catch Part II of the special tonight at 9pm on KHON2 (sorry for posting this so late).

>> Emme focuses on Filipino centennial [Hnl Star-Bulletin, 6/27/06]
Remembering the massacre [Hnl Advertiser, 6/28/06]
100 Years of Filipinos in Hawaii: A Chronology [Hnl Advertiser]
Filipino Centennial Celebration
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program: The Filipino American Story

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