"Lost" Restores Landscape It Had Trampled

Yesterday, over 30 volunteers helped to replenish the greenery around Kapena Falls in Nuuanu. The sacred area had suffered from erosion and damage due to the recent wet weather and to ABC's "Lost" filming there. "Lost" donated 425 native and Polynesian-introduced plants and a new irrigation system. Some crew members were on hand yesterday to help re-plant the barren patches of land.
The Honolulu Advertiser reported that Jim Triplett, "Lost"'s location manager and a longtime Hawaii resident said, "We give back and leave the area better than we found it," and added that it's important for the show to restore any location it uses if it wants to keep filming around town.
Kapena Falls had gained notoriety several years ago when "The Rundown" starring The Rock filmed a stunt scene there (the one in which the jeep goes flying off the falls). After that, a community group called the Friends of Kapena Falls was founded to protect the sacred area where ancient Hawaiian kings and queens would bathe, and which still boasts rocks adorning ancient Hawaiian petroglyphs.
>> Restoration of falls ensures beauty isn't lost [Hnl Advertiser, 6/30/06]
>> Helping hands [Hnl Star-Bulletin, 6/30/06]
>> 'Lost' Crew Gives Back to Landscape [KGMB, 6/29/06]
>> Respecting Host Cultures While Filming
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