Film Studio Renovation Blessing

Governor Linda Lingle gives special recognition to longtime Film Studio Facilities Manager Tammy Hasegawa as State Film Commissioner Donne Dawson looks on
On Friday, 6/23, government officials, legislators, and members of the local film industry came together to celebrate the completion of the Hawaii Film Studio capital improvement project. This much-needed renovation resulted in the completion of two new buildings, a production office building and technical building which houses a construction mill and set dressing storage.
We also celebrated the passage of Act 88 last month which established a 15% refundable production tax credit on Oahu and 20% on the neighbor islands. This new credit takes effect July 1, 2006--that's this Saturday!
Here are some photos from the event. And here's the program.
>> Another Article About Film Studio
>> Hawaii Film Studio Renovation (Almost) Pau
>> Come on Down! (You Know You Want To)
>> It's Official: Hawaii Boasts 15-20% Film Tax Credit!