Escape from L.A.: The Pilot Edition

Erika Christensen and Hope Davis star in J.J. Abrams' new TV pilot, "Six Degrees," which was shot in NYC
Yes, yes, television may be for hacks, but the good shows do often stick around for years and provide a modicum of job and economic stability in an unstable industry. That's why L.A. is hurtin' from the recent flight of TV pilots away from its smoggy shores. Thanks to a lack of tax incentives, TV pilot production in Los Angeles dropped 23% from 2005, eliminating 1,000 jobs and $70 million from the local economy.
During pilot season 2006 (Feb-May), 81 pilots were shot in L.A., representing 68% of all pilots shot. This is a drastic fall from last year, during which 105 pilots--85% of all pilots--were shot in L.A.
Where did all the pilots go? To the 25 other states (not to mention other countries) with tax incentives, the most popular breing New York--NYC to be exact--which hosted 11 pilots. Canada tied with NY on 11 pilots, and Washington, DC came in second with 3 pilots.
>> TV pilot flight hits job market [L.A. Daily News, 6/2/06]
>> NYC: Victim of Its Own Success (Again)?
>> Tax Credits Bring Gigantic Film Studio to Queens
>> Doom & Gloom for L.A. Film Industry
>> Canada Back in Business
>> More Film Tax Incentive Success Stories
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