RESCHEDULED: FilmHawaii Seminar on Tax Incentives

This roundtable discussion will provide an informal overview of Hawaii's tax incentives for film, television, and digital media productions, including the recently passed 15-20% refundable production tax credit; the High Technology Business Investment Tax Credit, commonly known as "Act 221" or "Act 215;" and the tax exemption on royalties for performing arts products. Local filmmakers and content creators can expect to learn how to navigate these tax incentives, how to utilize Act 221 to finance their film, television, and digital media projects, and how Act 221 is different from the new 15-20% production tax credit.
Thursday, June 8 @ Noon
* Ricardo Galindez, Attorney, Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel
* Kurt Kawafuchi, Director, Hawaii Department of Taxation
* Mynette Louie, Hawaii Film Office & Independent Film Producer
* Bill Meyer, Attorney, Dwyer Schraff Meyer Grant & Green
Moderator: Donne Dawson, Hawaii State Film Commissioner
Location: Hawaii State Art Museum Multi-Purpose Room, 1st Floor, 250 S. Hotel Street (@ Richards St.)
Parking Options:
* Metered parking on Iolani Palace Grounds (enter on King St.)
*Alii Place garage, 1099 Alakea St.
* Municipal lot (Smith/Beretania)
* Chinatown Gateway (Bethel/Hotel)
* Macy's (King/Bethel)
* Mark's Garage (Nuuanu/Bethel)
* Pioneer Plaza (Merchant/Fort)
>> FREE <<
Members of the local film industry and the general public are invited to attend.
Presented by: Hawaii Film Office, Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, State of Hawaii
The FilmHawaii Seminar Series is presented by the Hawaii Film Office periodically throughout the year to inform and educate the members of the local film industry and the film-interested public on practical topics related to the business of film and television production.
>> Legislature Passes 15-20% Film Tax Credit!
>> Summary of Film Bill
>> 10 Factoids From FilmHawaii Seminar on Labor Unions
>> 10 Things I Learned From Our First FilmHawaii Seminar
>> Press Massacres Hawaii's Film Tax Credits Again
>> Act 221 Fees & Comfort Rulings Demystified
>> Numerology: 221, 215, 235-110.9