Made-in-Hawaii Independent Films on PBS

Hawaii film trio on PBS: "Fishbowl," "Kamea," and "The Hawaiians"
Tune in to PBS next week and in May (Asian Pacific American Heritage Month) to check out these great indie films shot in Hawaii, set in Hawaii, and about Hawaii.
"Fishbowl" directed by Kayo Hatta
* 4/27 at 8 p.m. on PBS Hawaii only
* 5/9 at 10 p.m. on PBS nationally as part of Independent Lens series
Adapted from Lois-Ann Yamanaka’s Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers, the dramatic short “Fishbowl” follows 11-year-old Lovey of Hilo, Hawaii, as she tries to be anything but herself. By Kayo Hatta, Linda Barry and Eleanor Nakama-Mitsunaga. Co-presentation with PBS Hawaii and National Asian American Telecommunications Association.
"Kamea" directed by Jennifer Akana-Sturla
* 4/27 at 8:30 p.m. on PBS Hawaii only
This film is a mystical coming-of-age story about Kamea (Malia Verdadero), a teenage Hawaiian girl living on the North Shore who falls in love with Thomas (Maui Laigo), a cute surfer boy who’s obsessed with the legendary icon Duke Kahanamoku. Kamea studies up on the Duke to impress Thomas, but when her attempts to pique his interest fail, she makes her own connection to Kahanamoku and gains a sense of self. "Kamea" won the best short film award at the 2004 Hawaii International Film Festival.
"The Hawaiians: Reflecting Spirit" directed by Edgy Lee
* Airs in May on PBS nationally (check local schedules)
* Also on tour around the U.S. with upcoming stops in Nashville and Chicago
This 80-minute film by Hawaii's most prominent documentary filmmaker Edgy Lee offers important cultural insights into who the Hawaiians are as a people, their origins, historical challenges and current social conditions, and the revival of spirit of a native people whose identity is intrinsically tied to their Hawaiian homelands. "The Hawaiians" is included in the new book, Progressive Hollywood, A People's Film History of the United States by Ed Rampell, who describes it as "a film of transcendent splendor" that defends Native rights and culture.
>> Indigenous Pacific Storytelling
>> Hawaii Film Panorama at LVHIFF
>> Local Filmmakers Left in the Dust
>> Listen and Learn
>> How Da Haoles Wen Stole Hawaii: The Film(s)
>> Hawaii vs. Hawaiian
>> Kayo Hatta (1958-2005)