15-20% Tax Credit Bill Passes House Floor Vote
Sorry for the non-blogging lately--I'm just back from the Locations Trade Show, where I confirmed that everyone and their mother has passed or is passing tax incentives for film. Will Hawaii join the club or be the odd man out?
The passage of SB2570, SD2, HD2 (15-20% production rebate) today by a House floor vote suggests the former, but of course, anything can happen. The bill has been transmitted back to the Senate (where it originated) to see if they agree with the latest House draft and are willing to pass it out as is--this is really just a formality since the House draft has a "defective" effective date of 2020, which was put there to essentially guarantee further discussion. This discussion will happen in conference committee, made up of members from both legislative bodies.
The passage of SB2570, SD2, HD2 (15-20% production rebate) today by a House floor vote suggests the former, but of course, anything can happen. The bill has been transmitted back to the Senate (where it originated) to see if they agree with the latest House draft and are willing to pass it out as is--this is really just a formality since the House draft has a "defective" effective date of 2020, which was put there to essentially guarantee further discussion. This discussion will happen in conference committee, made up of members from both legislative bodies.
Meanwhile, HB2421 (20% investment tax credit buy-back) never got scheduled for a WAM hearing, so we bid it adieu.
OK, we've got about 3 more weeks till this legislative session is pau (done). As always, stay tuned for the latest...
>> Film Bill: The Final Frontier