10 Factoids From FilmHawaii Seminar on Labor Unions

We had a good turnout at our second FilmHawaii seminar yesterday. Thanks to those who came, and thanks to (from left to right, above) IATSE's Al Omo and Donovan Ahuna, Musicians Association's Michael Largarticha, SAG's Brenda Ching, and Teamsters' Jeanne Ishikawa, for giving their spiel on film labor unions.
Check out some video excerpts of the seminar, courtesy of Makai Motion Pictures' Johnson Choi: Introduction/Background and Becoming Signatory/Contractual Issues. Hopefully, we can figure out different ways to show you all the full seminars soon (after we become less short-staffed and overworked).
In the meantime, here are 10 (hopefully useful) factoids from the seminar:
- 1. IATSE Local 665 is a mixed local with 450 members and 200 referrals, and is 3-5 crews deep.
- 2. SAG's Hawaii branch has over 700 members.
- 3. Teamsters Local 996 has 120 movie drivers.
- 4. Musicians Association Local 677 has 478 members.
- 5. The local IATSE and Teamsters branches are willing to work cooperatively with producers on getting them to become signatory, no matter how low their budgets. For example, IATSE Local 665 recently signed a contract with a $70,000 TV documentary project on the Big Island.
- 6. Because Oahu is IATSE Local 665's production hub, Oahu-based crew members who work on neighbor island productons must be paid as "distant hires," meaning producers must pay them per diem, housing, airfare, etc.
- 7. On the other hand, neighbor island-based crew members working on Oahu are not paid as "distant hires," but rather as "local hires," meaning they do not get per diem, housing, airfare, etc.
- 8. Two years ago IATSE Local 665 had only 1 script supervisor among its members. Today, it has 5.
- 9. Student films do not have to be signatory with IATSE or Teamsters, but local student filmmakers who want to use SAG actors should call Brenda Ching at (808) 596-0388 to work out an agreement. Brenda is working on getting local colleges to become SAG signatory so their students can use SAG waivers on their projects (just like on the mainland).
- 10. Hawaii is not a right to work state.
For more information on union issues, please contact our local union reps.
Stay tuned for our next must-attend FilmHawaii Seminar on Hawaii's tax incentives for film, television, and digital media on Thursday, June 8 at noon.
>> FilmHawaii Seminar on Film Labor Unions
>> Meet the Hawaii Film Office!
>> Local Labor Union Chapters
>> 10 Things I Learned From Our First FilmHawaii Seminar
>> IATSE Local 665, Unions
>> Film Bill Passed by Conference Committee!