"Snakes on a Plane" Buzz Reaches Fever Pitch

I'm sure the folks over at New Line are salivating over the cult status already achieved by their as yet unreleased Sam Jackson starrer "Snakes on a Plane." Why am I blogging about this? Because Hawaii is where the titular plane originates, and the production shot here for a week last year.
The Hollywood Reporter reported last week that there was a recent reshoot for the film, just for fun--that is, to add more gore, more death, more nudity, and of course, more snakes! Also, a line mouthed by Jackson was added by popular demand. A fan had created an online audio trailer that had a Jackson sound-alike exclaiming, "I want these motherf*cking snakes off the motherf*cking plane!" The line caught on, and soon, legions of fans were demanding that it be added to the film.
What's more, New Line has partnered with social networking site TagWorld.com to announce a song contest in which the winner's song will be featured in the film.
Finally, Entertainment Weekly got a first look last week at the "Snakes on a Plane" logo (above). We can look forward to New Line merchandising the hell out of it.
Haven't had enough "Snakes on a Plane"? Check out the official site, a blog dedicated solely to the film, and Defamer's link to a quasi-trailer and full coverage on all things "SoaP."
>> Fan frenzy for 'Snakes' is on a different plane [THR, 3/23/06]
>> Hissssstory Lesson [EW, 3/31/06 issue]
>> Importing Animals to Hawaii
>> Fun With Titles
>> Samuel L. Jackson Gets LVHIFF Acting Award
>> 2005 Hawaii Film and TV Reverie