Canada Back in Business

"Brokeback Mountain" is in Alberta, Canada, not Wyoming (Photo: Focus Features)
After a multi-year slump, the Canadian film industry is booming again thanks to improved provincial tax incentives and the desire of American productions to go back to using tried-and-true professional crews and resources. Canada had been saying buh-bye to film productions because of the strong Canadian dollar and growing competition from other jurisdictions including newly incentive-rich U.S. states like Louisiana, New York, and New Mexico. But the industry is now on a major rebound thanks to productions like "Brokeback Mountain," "Capote," and "X-Men 3." More after the jumps.
>> Movie makers rolling back into Canada [Globe & Mail, 3/3/06]
>> Canuck investors join film actors and crews in benefiting from Oscar hopefuls [Brandon Sun, 3/2/06]
>> Hey, Whatever's Cheapest
>> Indies in Hollywood's Wake
>> "Hawaii Five-O" in Fiji?!
>> Europe on the Cheap
>> Romania: Hollywood (Way) East
>> Doom & Gloom for L.A. Film Industry