Two More Film-Related Bills

A drunken riot at the Kaneohe Sandbar last Labor Day is one of many reasons some legislators are looking to ban various activities--including filming--at the site. (Photo: Honolulu Star-Bulletin)
From the record-setting mounds and mounds of bills before the state legislature this year, two more film-related bills have been brought to my attention. One aims to expose the identities of companies that apply for various business tax credits (including Act 221) and the other hopes to ban partying, filming, and other activities at the popular Kaneohe Sandbar. Here are the details:
- Title: Relating to Taxation
- Description: Requires businesses who apply for tax credits that are related to their commercial activities [including the high-tech business investment tax credit] to sign a release statement allowing the Department of Taxation to publicly disclose their names and the names and amounts of such tax credits claimed. Requires the Department of Taxation to publicly disclose businesses that receive such tax credits.
- Introducers: WAKAI, BERG, CABANILLA, HALE, KAHIKINA, LUKE, MORITA, NISHIMOTO, SHIMABUKURO, TAKAI, Abinsay, Arakaki, Caldwell, Chong, Ito, Kanoho, Karamatsu, Magaoay, Souki, Takumi, Tanaka, Tsuji, Yamane
- Current Status: Had been scheduled to be heard by EDB today, but got deleted from the schedule. What's next is EDB.
- Title: Relating to Historic Preservation
- Description: Establishes Ahu o Laka State Monument [a.k.a. Kaneohe Sandbar] ; restricts activities [including filming activities] at the Ahu o Laka State Monument.
- Introducer: HEE
- Current Status: Awaiting hearing by WLA (Water, Land, and Agriculture Committee).
>> Act 221 = $108M So Far
>> Tech Comm'ty: Don't Denigrate Act 221
>> Numerology: 221, 215, 235-110.9
>> Permits, Hawaiian Style
>> 10 Things I Learned From Our First FilmHawaii Seminar
>> Forbidden Shoot