Hilo's Palace Theater Goes Sundance

Palace Theater, 1933
At the 25th Annual Sundance Film Festival last month, the Sundance Institute announced a new initiative in which it partners with 14 art house theaters nationwide to help them curate screenings of Sundance films. Among the theaters chosen to participate in the Sundance Institute Art House Project is the historic Palace Theater in Hilo on the Big Island.
John Cooper, Programming Director of the Sundance Film Festival, called theaters like the Palace, "the unsung heroes of independent film" that "carry on [the Sundance Institute's] work throughout the year and at the local level." Each theater's program may include recent Sundance films as well as independent classics that have been supported by the Institute in the past.
Right now, documentary "One: The Movie" is playing at the Palace, and coming soon are "Wings," a silent classic starring original "It" girl Clara Bow; "Capote," current Oscar contender; and "The White Countess," James Ivory's latest and written by Kazuo Ishiguro. The theater also offers classes and live concerts and plays.
>> Sundance Institute Pairs With Art House Cinemas for Independent Film Series Nationwide [Press Release, 1/19/06]
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