Hawaii Film Blog

Monday, January 23, 2006

"Lost" Cast To Get $80K Per Episode Each

The original principal cast members of ABC's hit show "Lost" are finally getting raises next season. Currently, they are each paid between $20-40K per episode, but next season, this will jump to $80K. Matthew Fox is said to have recently gotten a $250K bonus. While these figures may seem ridiculous to you, just think about how much ABC/Disney is raking in from the show. This is just their way of spreading the wealth (created and perpetuated, mind you, in large part by these actors).

>> 'Lost' cast members find big pay rises [Reuters, 1/23/06]

"Lost" Wins Best Drama Golden Globe
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>> "Lost" is Fab, But Will It Last?
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"Lost" Feature Film?
>> Hawaii (oh, and Matthew Fox) on Oprah
>> Actors Get Reality Check

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