Vote Daniel Dae Kim for Sexiest Man Alive

Sexy!! (Photo: Robert Bengtson)
Daniel Dae Kim, who plays Jin on "Lost" (and who, for those who don't know, speaka-da-Engrish--that is, perfect American English like the perfect American that he is) is up for People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" this year. If you think he's hot--and why wouldn't you? Even LVHIFF's Anderson Le thinks so, calling Kim's "Lost" role "a positive portrayal of Asian American masculinity in mainstream media"--please vote him "Sexiest Man Alive" in People's ONLINE POLL. Hey, Fu Manchu, Charlie Chan, Mr. Yunioshi, and Long Duk Dong: take that!
>> Sex and the Asian Man [LA Times via ModelMinority, 5/12/04]
>> APA Male TV Anchors: Invisibility and Emasculation [AsianWeek, Aug 16-22, 2002]
>> Kudos to "Lost" on Asian American Representation
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