South Carolina: "We don't want to look like vultures"

Charleston, SC and New Orleans, LA
An AP story picked up by the San Jose Mercury News today reported that South Carolina is offering itself up as a home to Louisiana's displaced film industry. Since Hurricane Katrina hit, the folks at SC's film office have upped ad placements in the trades and have called and emailed major production companies to welcome them to their state. SC's film commish Jeff Monks said, "We don't want to look like vultures, but we want to say, 'We're here, let us help you out.' "
Katrina's ultimate impact on Louisiana's film industry, which had been burgeoning at record speed thanks to generous tax incentives, remains to be seen. Some express skepticism that Louisiana will ever rise again as Hollywood South, while others are hopeful that the resilient film industry will bounce back, and in the process, help the Louisianans that have helped them so much.
>> South Carolina offers home to displaced film industry [AP/San Jose Mercury News, 9/7/05]
>> Louisiana’s film future now in doubt [AP/MSNBC, 9/2/05]

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