Hawaii Indie Film Survey

The late Kayo Hatta, Hawaii indie film pioneer, on the set of her new short "Fishbowl."
Aloha indie filmmakers! The Hawaii Film Office is taking a tally of independent made-in-Hawaii films that have been or will be completed in 2005. Your participation will help us to better understand the local indie film landscape and the needs of the local film industry.
We will not disclose ANY individual responses without your express written permission, but may make aggregated information public (e.g., total # of indie features, total $ spent on indie films, etc.).
If you completed or will complete a made-in-Hawaii indie film in 2005, please fill out our INDIE FILM SURVEY. If you made more than one film this year, please fill out a new form for each individual film. Mahalo!
>> The Meaning of "Independent"
>> Indies in Hollywood's Wake
>> IFP Hawaii?
>> Filmmaker Magazine: "25 New Faces of Indie Film"