Hawaii Film Blog

Friday, August 05, 2005

IFP Hawaii?

There has been talk 'round the islands of starting a local filmmakers' association to better support, organize, and advocate for the local independent film community. Some of this talk has centered around starting a local chapter of IFP here.

What is IFP, you ask? Independent Feature Project (IFP) is a 25-year old New York-based non-profit organization whose mission is "to foster a more sustainable infrastructure that supports independent filmmaking and ensures that the public has the opportunity to see films that more accurately reflect the full diversity of the American culture." IFP has chapters in New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, and will soon have chapters in Santa Fe and Austin. In exchange for a $75 to $100 chapter-based membership fee, IFP memberships include a subscription to Filmmaker Magazine and voting privileges for the Independent Spirit Awards, and can include access to local programs, seminars, and resources related to independent film, and discounts at various local production facilities and equipment houses.

IFP is best known for publishing Filmmaker Magazine, running New York-based IFP Gotham Awards and IFP Market, and running L.A.-based Independent Spirit Awards and L.A. Film Festival. Recently, IFP/L.A. broke off from the IFP organization to become L.A.-focused FIND, or "Film Independent." Prior to the split, both the NY and L.A. chapters played a big part in fighting a successful legal battle against the Oscar screener ban proposed by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). The screener ban was an attempt to curb the potential for DVD piracy by banning the mailing of film screeners to Academy voters, but would have had the effect of restricting the voters' access to watching and therefore nominating specialized and independent films, most of which never get wide theatrical distribution.

While there seems to be a general consensus among the members of the local indie film community to have some kind of unifying organization to represent their interests, are folks willing to put their money where their mouth is?

Would you pay $75 to $100 to join IFP Hawaii? Please take this POLL.
(Please take the poll only if you're a Hawaii resident with an affinity for film, or willing to pay as a non-resident member.)
View Poll Results

>> Independent Feature Project (IFP)
IFP/Los Angeles Finds A New Name: Film Independent [IndieWire, 5/4/05]
MPAA and Indies Settle Pending Screener Ban Case; Terms of Deal Remain Secret [IndieWire, 3/30/04]
Raiders of the Art House; Is Piracy a Threat to Indie Film? [IndieWire, 3/11/04]

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