Hawaii Film Blog

Monday, April 04, 2005


The film tax credit bills (HB1590, SD1 & SB541, HD1) are in trouble and need your help. It appears that the legislators feel that there is a lack of interest in these bills, so they will die in 12-24 hours if you don't take action now to reverse their opinion. They are willing to let these bills die because none of their constituents seem to be coming out in support of them.

For the bills to survive, each and every individual who cares even a little bit about having a film industry in Hawaii *MUST* fax, email, and/or call all of the following legislators to let them know that the community does care about these bills!

Senator Brian Taniguchi
Chair, Senate Ways & Means Committee (WAM)
10th Senate District (Moiliili-Manoa)
E-mail: sentaniguchi@Capitol.hawaii.gov
Fax: 808-586-6461
Phone: 808-586-6460

Representative Dwight Takamine
Chair, House Finance Committee (FIN)
1st Representative District (Hawi-Hilo, Big Island)
E-mail: reptakamine@Capitol.hawaii.gov
Fax 808-586-6201
Phone 808-586-6200; Toll-free from Big Island: 974-4000 + 66200

Senator Robert Bunda
President of the Senate
22nd Senatorial District (Wahiawa, Mililani, Mokuleia, Waimea, Laie)
E-mail senbunda@Capitol.hawaii.gov
Fax 808-586-6091
Phone 808-586-6090

Representative Calvin Say
Speaker of the House
20th Representative District (Palolo, St. Louis Heights, Kaimuki)
E-mail repsay@Capitol.hawaii.gov
Fax 808-586-6101
Phone 808-586-6100

In addition to faxing/emailing/calling these guys, it is imperative that you attend any upcoming hearing scheduled for these bills. If, with your help, these bills do not die in the next 24 hours, there will be 2 more hearings this year that the public will be able to testify at and attend: FIN & WAM. Rumor has it one of these will be scheduled on Wednesday, so please be prepared to send your official testimony (in addition to the faxes/emails/calls you will barrage the above legislators with) and attend the hearing in person. Legislators like to see warm bodies (= constituents/voters!). I'll let you know when the hearings are scheduled (if we get so lucky!).

This is our very last chance this year to establish film tax incentives that will help build a local film industy, creating a steady stream of jobs for local workers and business for local companies. Almost every other state is doing it, and we will be left in the dust if we don't do it too. So please, now's the time to exercise democracy and flex your personal political power--FAX/EMAIL/CALL NOW!!!

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