Hawaii Film Blog

Thursday, April 07, 2005

WAM Passes HB1590

Thanks to 38 official written testimonies, numerous additional emails, calls, and faxes to the legislators, and a strong turnout of film community members at today's WAM hearing, HB1590 was passed with amendments! The only senator voting "no" was Senator Gordon Trimble.

The amendments will be made and incorporated into a new draft, HB1590, HD2, SD2, which will be sent back to the House for them to agree or disagree. If they disagree, a conference committee made up of both senators and representatives will be formed to hash out the differences. If both bodies come to an agreement over the provisions, a conference draft will be issued.

If HB1590 does go into conference, I will let you know who the members of the conference committee are as soon as I find out. You can then contact them to let them know how you feel about the bill.

In the meantime, please help keep up the momentum by calling/emailing/faxing the members of these committees (if you haven't already done this; each person should only contact each legislator once--we don't want to bug them too much...): Senate: MAT, WAM; House: TAC, EDB, FIN

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