"Children of Invention" Screening at HIFF '09

OK, so I've totally neglected this blog, but what did you expect? I'm not in Hawaii anymore... :(
Anyway, since it seems that there are still a decent number of visitors to this poor dead blog (I guess lots of you still want to shoot in Hawaii and get production tax credits...good luck with that!), I'm going to use it shamelessly to promote the feature film I produced, "Children of Invention," which premiered at Sundance earlier this year and will be playing at the 2009 Hawaii International Film Festival. Showtimes are:
* Mon, 10/19, 7:00pm @ Dole Cannery Theatres
* Wed, 10/21, 1:15pm @ Dole Cannery Theatres
In "Children of Invention," two young children living outside Boston are left to fend for themselves when their mother gets embroiled in an illegal pyramid scheme and disappears. The film was written and directed by Tze Chun (Filmmaker Magazine's "25 New Faces of Independent Film"), and is loosely based on his Sundance '07 short "Windowbreaker" (which also screened at HIFF '07).
We've won 10 film festival prizes and have been getting some great reviews. What's more, the film is about a timely issue: Ponzi schemes. In fact, the Hawaii tax dept. just officially made Ponzi scheme theft losses deductible! So come check out the film! Tze, I, and the other producer Trevor Sagan will be at both screenings.
For more info, go to http://www.childrenofinvention.com/. And join our Facebook group!
And be sure to check out some of the other great indie films at HIFF this year. I recommend: White on Rice * Prince of Broadway * Fruit Fly * No Impact Man * Ajumma! Are You Krazy??? * I Don't Sleep, I Dream * Layover, On the Shore * Parallel Adele * Ten For Granpa
[P.S. Total side note: I dunno what's happened to Blogger since I last used it, but for some reason, this new post is screwing up the blog template, so all the stuff that used to be neatly placed in the column to the right has been smooshed all the way down and my "share it" buttons below aren't showing up properly. Ugh, I hate an ugly blog/site, but whatareyagonnado?]